What Others Are Saying
Current ICT students who are catalyzing transformation among the nations.
“ICT has become a must for me. It takes priority over all other programs.”
“ICT and you are provisions from God. I perceive the wealth of God’s grace being transferred from you to the students. If we get this, the whole country will be transformed.”
“ICT offered a framework for me to more fully develop a missional understanding of the Bible while creating a launching pad to activate God’s call in my life—to live out Christ’s mission in my spheres of influence.”
“I recommend ICT because after you join and learn the course well, you will never be the same person as in the past! You will be transformed and will become a means of transformation for your family, for your church, for your community, as well as for your whole country.”
“One of the reasons I would recommended ICT is that you would be able to grow personally and have personal transformation but also learn how to have community transformation with people that are around you!”
“ICT has equipped me to be a catalyst in community transformation. I have also been empowered to deepen my spiritual walk with God. ICT will equip, empower, and strengthen you in your desire to make a difference in the world.”
“ICT gives me access and confidence in the world of God’s mission in a new way, integrating cultural, theological, and spiritual areas of study and application through the lens of faith. It begins and is sustained by deep personal and corporate experience and pursuit of God.”
Past students of two previous programs that are now included in ICT. Read about our history.
“My sense of identity and purpose was grounded as a chosen and beloved daughter of God. Our studies were both academically rigorous and celebratory, testifying of God’s faithfulness throughout history. The opportunity to walk in community with professors who prioritized our spiritual discipleship and intimacy with Jesus made all the difference in learning a joyful sense of purpose in joining God’s mission.”
— Eugenah Chou
“It changed my life! I have a better understanding not only of the task that remains in missions, but also of who I am in Christ and how that affects the way I live. As a result, I have a new passion to mobilize others for the cause of bringing unreached people groups to Jesus."
— David Sorge
“Two crucial things happened through the program which empower me to join God's mission: I learned how to think about life, history, and culture through a biblical lens; and, through His community, I matured in love, faith, trust, perseverance, and dependence on God to see the reality of His kingdom come into fulfillment in my life and transform the world around me.”
— Valerie Mathison
“. . . a life changing experience for our daughter. . . the money invested in the program was one of the best investments we ever made with any of our children.”
—Doug Birdsall, Parent & Honorary Chairman of the Lausanne Movement
". . . a God-entranced vision of reality that will make all other study, and all the rest of life, deeper, richer, and more in sync with God’s ultimate purposes for your life.”
—John Piper, Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church