Vision, Mission & Values
Flourishing communities, marked by God’s shalom, among all peoples.
To provide holistic, innovative, and accessible higher education to form and empower leaders to catalyze God-glorifying whole community transformation among neglected and vulnerable people around the world.

Missional Purpose
Participate personally in God’s mission for the world.
Holistic Formation
Be shaped in your whole person — head, heart, and hands.
Walk in obedience and partnership with God.
Community Learning
Mature spiritually, relationally, and inter-culturally.
Academic Innovation
Grasp problems systematically and apply practical solutions.
Global Partnership
Learn and serve at home and in cross-cultural contexts.
Accessible Delivery
Join in radically affordable, integrative education.
The “Three Greats” characterize the purpose of our life together.
The Great (Lord’s) Prayer, the Great Commandment, and the Great Commission.
Transformational Prayer:
The Great Prayer
of Christ
The Great Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples encompasses all other prayers: Our Heavenly Father’s presence, his purpose for our lives, provision for all our needs, peace with God and others, and protection from trials and the Evil One (Matthew 6:12-15).
Transformational Love:
The Great Commandment
of Christ
Jesus’ Great Commandment to a radical love summarizes the highest calling given to human beings: to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40). Covenant love with God and with one another is a precious gift and a holy mandate from heaven.
Transformational Discipleship:
The Great Commission
of Christ
Jesus’ Great Commission to a radical discipleship comes with the promise to be with us "always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20). Our goal thus is not mere conversion, but obedience to and friendship with Jesus.
We Believe
ICT adheres to the historic Apostles Creed and the Lausanne Covenant.