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Biruktawit "Beky"
Vision: Empowered, Christ-centered leaders coming from Ethiopia.
Calling: Discipling & mentoring orphans to fulfill their God-given potential.
Vision: To transform families and communities through the Gospel, creating lasting, God-glorifying change for generations.
Calling: To spark holistic transformation among the least reached by mobilizing youth, leaders, and education missions.
Vision: To live a life of excellence, fully surrendered to God for His glory.
Calling: To uplift the less privileged through Christ’s love, mentorship, and skills development, transforming my community.
Vision: To build a kingdom oroented community
Calling: To disciple believers and non-believers through theological education and leadership, expanding God’s kingdom for His glory.
Vision: To see families and communities transformed by the Gospel, glorifying God.
Calling: To preach the Gospel, heal the brokenhearted, deliver the oppressed, and restore God’s purpose through discipleship.