Loving God and Neighbor: A Story of Transformation in Uganda

The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these.
— Mark 12:31

When God calls us to love our neighbor, we do not know what will happen or how He will step in, yet His handiwork is always beautiful and blessed. ICT’s emphasis on the two Great Commandments of Mark 12 inspired the story below from Ugandans S. and J.

“In our family and individual lives, we have committed to loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbors… We are growing daily in these two great commands.” S. describes learning missional love for their community, beginning with attempts to reach out to immigrant neighbors, then Indian families. “But all this was not working at all. We kept praying, [but] little did we know that God [was] working behind the scenes. It all started with our daughter… From the age of 6 months, she… greet[ed] people she saw anywhere by waving at them with a smile, and this love of a child caught the attention of our neighbors.” The hellos multiplied, S.’s wife J. invited these Sudanese neighbors over, then the invitations became repeated and mutual. Regular conversation continues, especially between the two mothers and children.

“God indeed is working in and through our family… All we need is to love God and love our neighbors and watch and see what God is doing through us... All the glory to our God who has helped us abide in him and him in us!”

S. rejoices, “God has been and is at work, with very little of our initiative! The Lord has drawn us, especially J., closer to the family. The children love it when they come over… This is a Muslim family, but they have gone out of their way to invite us to their home, teach my wife how to bake bread and cake, attended a Christmas and birthday party and yet as Muslims they are strictly not allowed to celebrate Christmas or learn anything Christian. God indeed is working in and through our family… All we need is to love God and love our neighbors and watch and see what God is doing through us... All the glory to our God who has helped us abide in him and him in us!”


Please pray!

  • Pray for S. & J. and other ICT people as we implement loving God and our neighbors. May God indwell us and bring much blessing and fruit of salvation and transformation!

  • Pray for strength, anointing, and endurance for ICT learners as they continue through the academic year. May they effectively study and practice their learning.

  • Pray for our global team members as they take increasing responsibility to lead ICT, and for wisdom and discernment as we continue to shape the program led by the Holy Spirit.

  • For God’s presence, peace, provision, protection, wisdom, health, strength, joy, and blessing for all in ICT. May God’s power, glory, and grace be over us all.


Thank you for joining us as God builds the Institute for Community Transformation and through us furthers flourishing communities, marked by His shalom, among all peoples!


Transformative Discipleship: An ICT Graduate's Experience